You've Found The Other Castle
The Other Castle

Season 2

Aug. 29, 2018

Little Nightmares

Tom & Andrea talk about a game with no dialogue, no text, and no explenations. Come along as we try and decipher just what actually happened in the stellar 2-D side scroller Little Nightmares. Follow us on all the things!

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Aug. 22, 2018

Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail

This week in the castle, Larry Laffer takes a cruise. On this cruise he hopes to get laid. Andrea hopes he would die instead. Come listen and find out why! Follow us on all the things!

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Aug. 1, 2018

Dragon's Lair

Is there enough money in the world to navigate the treacherous Dragon's Lair? Yes. But do you really want to? Follow us on all the things! Youtube: @TheOtherCastle Instagram: @TheOtherCastle...

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July 25, 2018


Half-life or half a story? Come explore the Black Mesa complex with Tom & Andrea. Follow us on all the things! Youtube: @TheOtherCastle Instagram: @TheOtherCastle Facebook: @TheOtherCastle...

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